Monday, January 31, 2011

Severe Weather Awareness Week

This week marks Florida Severe Weather Awareness Week in which we discuss the different types of hazards presented by our weather here in Florida. And as Florida remains the lightning capital of the's topic is a particularly important one to pay attention to...Lightning Hazards.

According to the National Weather Service, of the lightning casualty cases in the U.S. where the incident location was reported, 48% occurred in open fields, ballparks or playgrounds, another 23% occurred under trees, nearly 12% involved water-related activities, and another 6% involved golfing. People driving farm or other heavy equipment accounted for about 7% of lightning casualties.

Using some simple steps of action, we can greatly reduce our risk of being threatened by lightning...

1. Plan Ahead: If thunderstorms are in the forecast, consider canceling or postponing outdoor plans

2. Monitor the Weather: Watch the sky! Look for signs of a developing or approaching storm

3. If Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!: If the sky looks threatening, or if you see lightning or hear shelter immediately in a substantial building. Remain indoors for at least 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning and rumble of thunder

4. Avoid Tall Objects: If caught outdoors in a thunderstorm and cannot find shelter, avoid tall objects such as trees and poles to minimize the risk of being struck. Also avoid objects that conduct electricity including metal bleachers and wire fences

Tomorrow's topic: Marine Hazards and Rip Currents

No thunderstorms in the forecast today...just another beautiful day in store with mostly sunny conditions and highs in the mid 70's!


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