Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brian: Just a few high clouds this morning, starting in the 60's..

Out ahead of a second weak cold front, we'll see a mostly sunny sky today highs ranging from near 80 at the beaches to the mid 80's inland. In fact, for the next couple of days the beaches will run about 5 degrees cooler with a persistent westerly breeze. That second cold front moves through tonight with just a few clouds (no rain!).. and brings slightly cooler weather tomorrow with a mostly sunny sky and highs in the upper 70's/low 80's. High pressure overhead on Thursday morning should give us a cooler start with 50's inland and low 60's elsewhere!
Much more on your forecast coming up on WINK-TV.. see you there! Here is today's forecast:
Naples  Mostly Sunny; High 81
Bonita Springs Mostly Sunny; High 83
Fort Myers Mostly Sunny; High 83
Cape Coral Mostly Sunny; High 82
Port Charlotte Mostly Sunny; High 82
Hendry Co. Mostly Sunny; High 85
Glades Co. Mostly Sunny; High 84
DeSoto Co. Mostly Sunny; High 84

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