Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lauren: After a beautiful start to the weekend, conditions take a rainy turn for our Sunday.

It was a Saturday full of bright sunshine with some of the warmest temperatures we've felt across SWFL all month long with highs in the low to mid 80's, but as an area of low pressure moves eastward across the Southeast, conditions will be less than desirable for our outdoor plans tomorrow. Expect a partly cloudy sky to kick off the day, but clouds will be on the increase into midday with scattered rain and thunderstorms developing through the afternoon. Despite the clouds and rain, temperatures will warm to low 80's thanks to a southerly flow in advance of a cold front.

Rainfall intensity and coverage will only increase into Sunday night with the possibility of a few strong storms overnight with the storm threat continuing into Monday. Rain will be likely for the first day of the work week as the cold front moves through the state. The rain event comes to a conclusion Monday evening with decreasing cloud cover Monday night. Rainfall totals from Sunday into Monday could certainly top 2 inches in some areas. High pressure builds in for Tuesday returning sunshine to our sky.

Have great night!

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